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Election Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the Texas Tennis Hall of Fame. Please review the election guidelines before submitting a nomination. Nomination forms and supporting documentation must be sent electronically using our online nomination form


Eligibility and Qualifications

  1. Candidates from the entire state of Texas shall be eligible for inclusion in the Texas Tennis Hall of Fame.

  2. Candidates must have lived in Texas for at least ten (10) years.

  3. At least ten (10) years must have passed since the candidate's first distinction involving tennis, with priority to those who date back the furthest.

  4. Those men and women who have made the most outstanding contributions to tennis in Texas, in the categories of volunteer, coach, tennis teaching professional, individual playing record, or developer of the game.


Selection Criteria


  1. Accomplishments 

    1. As a player - rankings (local, sectional, national), awards, honors, inter-sectional team, ITF or Cup activity, with consideration given to sportsmanship and character.

    2. As a volunteer - projects worked, positions held (sectional, national), USTA Texas involvement, chair/officer responsibilities.

    3. As a coach or tennis teaching professional - long and strong performance of players/teams, record of player development and grow the game on a state or national level.

  2. Contributor to the development of the game

    1. Creating and working with tennis programs to significantly expand/grow the game and bring recognition to Texas tennis

    2. Helping to significantly finance worthwhile tennis projects through money and/or efforts which impact Texas tennis

Selection Consideration


  1. ​Inductees will represent those candidates who are extremely accomplished in one or more categories of the above Selection Criteria.

  2. Priority shall go to the oldest candidate by Date of Birth when other credentials are equal.

  3. Inductees should represent a cross-section of areas, cities, towns and schools.

  4. Years involved in tennis

  5. Residency in Texas:

  • First priority - native Texans who have spent all or most of their time in Texas and helped develop tennis in Texas.

  • Second priority - not born in Texas, but have spent most of their life in Texas and helped develop tennis in Texas.

  • Third priority - native Texans, but have spent most of their time living out of state, but helped develop tennis in Texas.

  • Fourth priority - not born in Texas and have spent most of their years living outside the state, but have lived in Texas at least ten (10) years and contributed to the betterment of tennis in Texas.

  1. Nomination Forms and supporting documentation must be sent electronically. They may be submitted by any person and must be received by the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame on or before July 1st of each year.

  2. The officers and members of the following organizations are encouraged to take action as a body to seek out people who are qualified to be placed in nomination:

    1. USTA Texas

    2. USPTA Texas Division

    3. Texas Tennis Coaches Association

    4. Community Tennis Associations and other member organizations of USTA Texas

  3. Selection to the Hall of Fame shall be voted on by a committee as named by the USTA Texas Museum and Hall of Fame Committee. The Selection Committee shall be composed of the following:

    1. The chairperson of the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame Committee of USTA Texas shall serve as the chairperson of the Selection Committee

    2. Five (5) living members of the Texas Tennis Hall of Fame, as appointed by the Selection Committee Chairperson, subject to approval of the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame Committee

    3. President or past president of USTA Texas, president or past president of USPTA Texas Division and president or past president of Texas Tennis Coaches Association

    4. Three (3) members of the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame Board of Directors

    5. The Chairperson may appoint tennis media members with approval of the committee if it is felt that person(s) is knowledgeable of tennis history in Texas and can attend the Selection meeting.
      NOTE: Attendance - The Selection Committee will meet at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in Waco during July/August every year. The Selection Committee shall consist of a minimum of ten (10) members. A quorum shall be necessary to conduct the Selection Meeting, either in person, via electronic media or by proxy.

  4. Unless otherwise voted by the Museum and Hall of Fame Selection Committee, there shall be no more than four (4) inductees each year. Each inductee shall be selected on his/her individual merits.

  5. If a person is elected to the Hall of Fame and is in good health, but is unable to be present for their induction, his/her induction shall be held over for the next year. 

  6. Three (3) years after receiving a nomination, if a nominee is not selected, that person must be re-nominated in order to receive consideration for induction after sitting out one year.


No Conflict Policy

While serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame OR the USTA Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame Committee OR USTA Texas Tennis Hall of Fame Selection Committee, said individuals shall not engage in nominating, endorsing or formally or informally supporting or influencing any candidacy for induction into the Texas Tennis Hall of Fame. The objective of this policy is to affirm that members of the Board of Directors of the Texas Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame, the USTA Texas Section Tennis Museum and Hall of Fame Committee and the USTA Texas Tennis Hall of Fame Selection Committee are in full support of having the nomination process for membership in the Texas Tennis Hall of Fame be as free of undue influence as possible.


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Visit Us

1108 South University Parks Drive

Waco, Texas 76706

Mon - Sat 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

(254) 300-1883

Ticket Information

Adults                                        $8
Seniors (60+)                            $7

Students (College ID)              $6
Students (6-18 years)              $4
Kids under 5                             FREE  

USTA Members                        FREE

Active Military                          FREE  

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